About the Firm
Peter Piven Management Consultants helps architects, engineers, planners, interior designers, graphic designers, and other design professionals improve their practices and prospects.
Our Process
We develop as complete an understanding of the situation as possible: the firm's goals, organization, people and practices, and the issues that concern them. We explore options and share our findings in a way that allows our clients to understand their reasonable alternatives and their likely consequences, and we assist them to make reasonable decisions on their own behalf.
Our Deliverables
We prepare memoranda to document all important aspects of an assignment. We document relevant specifics, including client perception and satisfaction studies, marketing analyses and plans, merger/acquisition memoranda of understanding, partnering agreements and charters, personality profile statements, position descriptions and background reports, strategic vision statements and action plans, and valuation analyses and reports.
About Peter Piven
Peter Piven, FAIA, principal consultant of Peter Piven Management Consultants continues a career that began with The Coxe Group, Inc.
He has provided expert, appropriate and responsive counsel to design professionals for more than 30 years. In every instance the benefit to clients has been in both process and product.
Mr. Piven is one of the design profession's leading minds on critical organizational, operational, and personnel issues. He helps architects, landscape architects, planners, engineers, graphic designers, and related businesses and agencies improve their practices in the areas of overall organization, strategic planning, valuation, ownership and leadership transition, marketing, project delivery, financial management, mergers and acquisitions, and senior-level search. Prior to starting his own firm, he was a founder and principal consultant of The Coxe Group, Inc.