Services & Case Studies
Client Perception and Satisfaction Analysis
Developing, conducting, and analyzing the results of surveys to assess clients' perception of their firms relative to others in the marketplace and their satisfaction with project performance
Compensation Planning
Designing, developing and installing base compensation, profit allocation, and performance appraisal systems that make sense in the marketplace, reflect firms' cultures, and provide appropriate financial rewards to the performers
Financial Analysis and Management
Evaluating financial performance and developing management information systems to monitor and report on operations and condition
Leadership Development
Developing and conducting in-house workshops to help firms proactively improve the leadership skills of key personnel
Marketing Organization and Planning
Assessing and designing marketing organizations and personnel
Facilitating the development of marketing plans
Assessing marketing performance
Merger and Acquisition
Evaluating offers
Establishing criteria
Identifying and contacting prospective targets
Facilitating discussions and negotiations
Preparing memoranda of understanding
Advising on final arrangements
Ownership Transition
Establishing a firm's value
Designing buy-sell mechanisms
Preparing invitation letters
Reviewing with clients' attorneys and accountants
Presenting to candidates
Designing and facilitating meetings and workshops, including personality identification and team-building, if appropriate
Personnel Search
Developing position descriptions
Preparing newspaper and Web site ads
Contacting sources and candidates
Candidate screening
Assisting negotiations
Checking references
Selling Skills Training
Developing and conducting in-house workshops to help firms proactively improve the selling skills of key personnel
Strategic Planning
Defining and facilitating the preparation of new or updating existing mission statements, strategic visions and action plans
Determining the value of a firm for various purposes, including internal ownership transition, external acquisition, employee stock ownership plans, and, on rare occasions, divorce proceedings